Some General Law School Questions

on Wednesday 25 May 2011
A number of you have emailed me questions related to actually breaking into law school. I have decided to answer the most common ones. Please understand that I've been receiving a lot of emails since I created this blog so unfortunately I cannot answer every single question! However, here are a few:

Q: Do I have to study political science, or english to be considered for law school?
A: Absolutely not! Law schools are in search of the best and brightest. Therefore, it is common for science and engineering students to get accepted. In fact, law schools actually seek those that will bring a difference to their community.

Q: Do I need a 4.0 GPA to attend a T14 law school?
A: For those that don't know what a T14 law school is, T14 means the "top fourteen" law schools based on annual rankings. The answer to this is no, but it should still be relatively high. This also depends what you are studying, as a 3.7 GPA in engineering is much more difficult than a 3.7 GPA in liberal arts.

Q: What's more important, my GPA or my LSAT?
A: Without a doubt, both of these are very important. However, a general rule of thumb is that they should be weighed equally. In fact, someone with a high GPA and low LSAT (or vice-versa) is known as a "splitter" in law school admissions terms. It is difficult for the faculty to decide on an acceptance or rejection in this case.

Q: When and how should I prepare for the LSAT?
A: As soon as possible! Register into LSAT study courses if you learn better that way... it will certainly help you in the long run. However, some people find that taking mach LSAT tests online is a good way to prepare. Always time yourself and record your score after every test. Make it as similar to the actual test as possible. Don't cheat, and use your time wisely.

Q: How do I become a personal injury lawyer?
A: If you wish to become an accident lawyer, you can attend any law school of your choosing. There is no specific law school for this type of practice. In law school you will learn all of the tips and tricks for dealing with motor vehicle accidents (or other types of injuries) and the claims that follow.

If there are any more questions, please email them to me, I'd be happy to answer!

Types of Lawyers And Where to Work

on Friday 13 May 2011
If you're reading this blog now, I encourage you to scroll down to see the articles I posted about different types of lawyers, namely: Mesothelioma/Asbestos, Accident Lawyers and Patent Lawyers. The reason I posted these three types is because they are paid the most. So once you become an accident lawyer for example, where would you work? Basically, you have two options. Either start your own practice or work for a firm. Ideally, you would go become a lawyer (mesothelioma, accident, patent) and start your firm, for example "John Smith's Law" and perhaps you would specialize in cases dealing with mesothelioma. If successful, you would of course do better financially as opposed to working for a firm as a graduate. However, your success as a lawyer is not limited to starting your own practice. For the second option, you can join a law firm as a level one attorney. For example, you may wish to join a firm that deals with accidents or personal injuries. Over the years, you have the opportunity to get many clients, do a good job, and hopefully get promoted up the chain. This is very competitive and the highest paid lawyers at a firm at what we call the "partners". If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Chicago Accident Lawyer

on Sunday 8 May 2011
Getting into a Motor Vehicle Accident or a Slip & Fall can be difficult and challenging experience. You can get a consultation from a Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer. These lawyers practice exclusively in the area of personal injury(and mesothelioma) and will provide you with free consultations to assist you and win your case. A lawyer will be committed to your case and assist you to manage your physical injuries as well as receive the cash that you deserve.

They know how tough having an accident can be; that is why one of our accident lawyers will handle your file from the beginning until its finished, leaving you stress-free while you know that experienced lawyers are battling for your rights. A qualified Chicago accident  or personal injury attorney will make sure all of the steps of the process are fair and well thought.

Mesothelioma or Asbestos Attorney

on Thursday 5 May 2011
More on mesothelioma lawyers (also fall into the category of accident lawyers): Many items have asbestos fibers in them. Those working in construction and other industries of that nature are at the highest risk of being poisoned by asbestos.

Asbestos is the only material known to cause mesothelioma for workers in North America. If you're exposed to it, it may cause cancer. In this cause you would need to call up a mesothelioma lawyer to deal with your case if you feel you have been unnecessarily exposed to asbestos. The pay for a mesothelioma attorney is similar to that of a Chicago accident attorney spoken about in an earlier blog post. Mesothelioma attorneys are all over North America and with a Google search you should be able to find some.

Chicago Accident Lawyer - Can Illinois afford 3 years in prison?

on Tuesday 3 May 2011

I thought I would post this interesting law story: This Chicago Criminal Defense lawyer is not shocked, but believes you must tell your peers that a relatively small amount of money could land you in jail. The Chicago lawyer accused Vega by indictment  with multiple offenses, including damage to government property over $500 in relation with damage that he caused to a police vehicle. At trial, an officer testified that he determined that the wreckage was approximately $502.  A business who estimates suggested that the total estimate was $501.90.  The estimator stated that the actual bill in some cases could be more or less than the estimate, but since the vehicle here needed only one part, the bill would be the same as the estimate.  He was not asked whether sales tax was included in the estimate.  The written estimate was entered into evidence.  It shows that $32.85 of the estimate was sales tax on parts and materials.  The Chicago attorney provided no evidence regarding whether the tax was appropriate or whether the amount of the estimate or the tax was actually paid.  The jury found Vega guilty.

Mesothelioma Attorney

on Monday 2 May 2011
As I previously mentioned, patent attorneys pay quite well. However, mesothelioma attorneys also seem to bank a lot of cash. Mesothelioma is a cancer and similar to all types of cancer, knowledge of the disease is more useful for the patient's survival than being unaware. In basic terms, mesothelioma is a cancer of the chest. Of course, a medical degree is not required to become a mesothelioma lawyer. The mesothelioma lawyer you go to would practice at a law firm that specifically deals with cases involving mesothelioma. This is important because people don't want to pay someone who doesn't know anything about mesothelioma.

It is important to understand what exactly causes mesothelioma. It is a mineral called asbestos. As a lawyer, this is where you would take action. The field is so specific that it isn't even classified under personal injury law (thus clients do not need to see a personal injury lawyer or accident lawyer such as a Chicago accident lawyer). The attorney would attempt to file suits given proof of being exposed to asbestos. The process to become a mesothelioma attorney is followed similar to the other types of attorneys. Get good grades, proper financial assistance, and score well on that LSAT.

What is a patent attorney?

on Sunday 1 May 2011
If you're interested in attending law school then it would be a good idea to have in mind what type of attorney you wish to become. One possible option (of the many available) is the patent attorney. A synonym for patent is "intellectual property" (IP), so these types of lawyers are said to practice IP law. IP law is an extremely lucrative field to get into and it is always in demand. With that said, what are the steps to becoming a patent attorney?

  • Enroll in a university for a bachelors degree program. (Note: if you are thinking about patent law it would be wise to take something involving science, mathematics or engineering)
  • Obtain a good GPA, do well on the LSAT (Law School Admissions Test) and then attend a law school of your chosing
  • Pass the patent bar exam to become a certified patent lawyer
The average starting salaries for a patent lawyer is approximately $120,000. 

Want to Succeed in Law School? Study the prof.

on Monday 25 April 2011
Law School Tip - Study Your Prof
Unfortunately, the grading structure currently being used today at the majority of law schools has put an end to the traditions of  sleeping up to number one (not that you would even try). Its important to know and understand you teachers' interests. In law school, "you aren't just making 'contracts,' " says Chris Weasner, a University of Duke professor and the author of The Seven Tips of Great Performance in Law School. "You are taking 'contracts from Professor Y.' " Therefore its crucial to determine what intrigues your professor's mental appeal and pursue it. Has your professor published articles about the economic predictions of allocation? Is he interested in patent law and engineering design documentation? What kind of lawyer is your prof really? You must not only see him as a professor, but as an attorney in practice. Look for clues to your professor's in past exams, and also lectures and talks.

Choosing your Law School to Become an Attorney

on Saturday 23 April 2011
Despite the fact that there is a small number of law schools that teach in the regular law tradition, excluding the one university to attend requires more than just blindly throwing out applications. First of all, selecting the right type of attorney is important. Do you want to be a criminal lawyer? Patent lawyer? Perhaps real-estate law is your interest. Applicants should also take into account with caution the specifics of each law school before making a decision to becoming a real attorney. The quality of a law school is definitely a major factor but estimations of quality are very subjective, and differences in quality among schools can be overrated. Factors such as the campus atmosphere, the school's devotion to teaching and scholarship, and the applicant's enjoyment for the school also are extremely critical. Relying on general ideas of prestige and reputation does not suffice. The law schools selected on this basis may not be well-directed to the specifics of a particular student.

Law School Loan Debt to pass 1 Trillion?

on Thursday 21 April 2011
It is known that student loan debt is going to top one trillion dollars this year. One trillion dollars is a lot of money. At a certain point, the word “trillion” becomes useless. This is a huge sum of money were talking.
This is real money that is going to have to be paid back by students (with possible parental assistance!) The average student loan debt is approximately $23,000, and takes about 15 years to pay off. What this figure does not include is the accompanying credit card debt! As Mark Kantrowitz wrote in a Huffington Post blog article, “The proposed cut in the maximum Pell Grant would mean that 1.7 million low-income students would no longer qualify for the Pell Grant, almost a fifth of current recipients. The remaining recipients would have their Pell Grants cut severely.” What can we take from this? Don't take loans you cannot pay back. Also, it is advisable to have at least one source of income if you were given a healthy sum of loans.

USC Attorney wishes to increase scholarship

on Friday 15 April 2011

Students may feel a need for attaining loans, grants or bursaries for USC law school. However, if you're bright enough you just may have a shot at the new scholarship being offered. USC Provost Michael Amiridis asserts, “We all want a law school to be proud of.” He said the revenue from the admission of 500 additional freshmen in the undergraduate program will make it possible for more spending in the law school. Moral of the story? If you're at USC law, get those grades skyrocketing and your doors will be open for some excellent scholarship opportunities (and that means saying goodbye to those student loans/debts!).

Students Consolidating Their Loans?

on Friday 1 April 2011
With students having difficulty on consolidating loans, many are trying to do the consolidation before they graduate in order to make the payments and also to be free from any debt upon graduation. 11 percent of the college enrollment of the nation were these students. While some may be maxing federal loans, many of them are still having trouble on being responsible when dealing with their student loans.
The motive to end federal organizations covering students with poor debt/income ratio was denied by most because of the negative effects it has on students. The current practice is having students create a time of employment to a certain company after graduation for the company to be responsible and to take care of the  unpaid loans of the students.

Less paperwork to apply for OSAP

on Saturday 26 March 2011
Ontario is making the student loan and grant application significantly smaller. Colleges and Universities Minister John Milloy said students will have to do less paperwork when applying for the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP).
The continuing goal is to ensure financial concerns don’t create a barrier to post-secondary education, he said.

In the past, students would need to have finalized their OSAP papers before going off to stand in long lines to get the Distance Grant or the Ontario Access Grant, which is available to students from low income families.
Now it will be "deposited directly into their bank account".

Essex to charge £9,000 fees

on Thursday 24 March 2011
Essex is the latest university to to charge maximum £9,000-a-year tuition fees.
The university said it aimed to bring about the charge at the start of the 2012 year.
A spokeswoman added: "The university will offer a package of bursaries and scholarships to support the most able students and those from lower income backgrounds."
Earlier this month, Labour said the Government could face a bill of about £800 million for student support if all universities charged £9,000 a year for tuition

Obama's Student Loan Attempts - Good or Bad?

on Tuesday 22 March 2011
Educational institutions currently have two ways to offer federal loans to students. What are they? (1) In the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL, pronounced "fell") program, the government pays to banks and lenders to lend money to borrower companies up to 97% of the cost of any loan that is not returned. (2) DLP(direct-loan program), made in 1993 as a different option, in which the government removes the guy in between, lends money directly and gets all the profits.

The health-care debate would seem to help critics of the student-loan plan, who have no qualms about trying to connect both of them. "One of the points we're making is that the parallels to the health-care debate are really eerie," says Marrero. "The DLP was created as an option 16 years ago. It was used as a form of competition that would encourage innovation and keep the industry honest. Sound familiar?" But rather than fuel significant opposition to the student-loan plan, the health-care firestorm has blocked it, making it harder for opponents to rally an effective counterattack.  So the question is, can the health care plan really influence student loans? It would be interesting to see if we can hit two birds with one stone. 

Grants - Smart Student Financial Aid

on Monday 21 March 2011

Scholarships & Grants for College Students

Access to affordable education is very much possible with scholarships & grants for college students in all over the globe. These programs can give financial help to undergrad students who are taking degree programs at participating universities and colleges throughout North America. Requirements to receive academic funding each institution may have their own guidelines such as application due dates and application procedures.

GradPlus - An alternative loan for 2011?

GradPlus offers a low interest rate loan which is guaranteed by the US Government. There is no need for a credit check with this loan as there is with private ones.  It is for graduate students that need to borrow money for post-graduate school. It is an excellent option for 2011 educational aid. 
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FAFSA Filing 2011 - Info

Are you ready to file your FAFSA? At the beginning of every year is the time for college and university students to start filling out and filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the coming academic year. The FAFSA is used by colleges and universities to determine aid amounts for students. The New FAFSA The FAFSA form is now much easier to complete and file by applicants. The new form for 2011-12 has fewer questions and I would encourage all students to complete it!

Direct Student Loan in Montana

Montana doesn't run a college loan program. College loans in Montana are federal loans. The Direct Federal Student Loan Program (DFSLP) in the state organizes them. This does not offer any state specific loans or incentives to college students within the state. Getting School Funding in Montana The states Direct Federal Student Loan is the only Montana student loan program in the state these days. Montana students that have college fees and tuition due need these federal organization to satisfy their financial needs.

Student Loans

Welcome to the 2011 student loan assistance blog.